Thursday, March 2, 2017

Mock Trial Learing

One huge thing that I have learn this week was that it is very important that we have to be serous  durng our

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Romeo and Juilet

Image result for romeo kills tybalt 1968Image result for tybalt kills mercutio        My best friend is now gone. He was like a brother to me. I loved him with all my heart, even though he would get on my nerves only a bit. He is still my friend and I treat him like family. I had to avenge Mercutio death by killing his killer. His killer is Tybalt a Capulet even though  we are family. I do fell bad for killing a family member but, I was so angry of my friends death I had to avenge him.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

.   Politics is the most major part of America. I can write here and lie to you about how much I know about politics. I'm not saying that i do not know anything about politics. In fact I do know a lot though.
the truth about politics is that its all lies. There might be some truths here and there but, I fell that its rare. Nominees Try to talk so much about how they are going to change the world but I fell that is not true all the time. They try to get your attention on them so you can vote for them. Donald Trump had said that he will make all "illegals" back to mexico. But that will take years and years. It is all lies. why do we have to pay so much taxes. Why don't we have more jobs.Donald Trump said in television interviews that he would like an increase in the minimum wage and that it is best that such a change happen at the state level.
In the past, Trump has opposed upping the minimum wage. But in recent days, he has increasingly warmed to the idea. "I have seen what's going on, and I don't know how people make it on $7.25," said Trump, referencing the federal minimum hourly wage. "With that being said, I would like to see an increase of some magnitude, but I'd rather leave it to the states. Let the states decide."
Speaking at a second interview, the business mogul said, "I haven't decided in terms of numbers, but I think people have to get more." He acknowledged that he was putting forth a position at odds with his previous stance. "Sure, it's a change. I'm allowed to change. You need flexibility," he said.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Things that I leaned about my name is that its a very old name. Also That it comes from a really religious   name. The religion that it comes from is Jewish. I like mane name also I think that it matches my last name.

Friday, October 14, 2016

                                                         Reaching Out Review                            

                      Reaching out is based on a true story about Francisco Jimenez Life. He had to                                 overcome many obstacle in his path to success. Francisco is a great author and I love                       how open harted he is. What I mean by that is he is a person who you would go and                           ask for help. I fell that he is a very strong man. He gives so much detail on his life                             and how it has impacted him. This is my review on Reaching Out.